Numer umowy: 825051
Jest to unikalne przedsięwzięcie, na zasadzie “one-stop-shop”, polegające na stworzeniu możliwości lepszego dostępu europejskich naukowców – reprezentujących różne dziedziny nauki - do technologii fotonicznych oraz wypełnienie luki między badaniami podstawowymi i stosowanymi w fotonice.
In the first instance, ACTPHAST 4R will provide researchers with one-stop-shop access to the photonics expert expertise and mature technologies of 24 of Europe’s leading competence centers. The photonics technology platform capabilities of ACTPHAST 4R cover the entire integrated supply chain from design to packaging. Through intensive technology coaching, leading to focused innovation projects involving trans-national internships and hands-on working with the advanced photonics technologies at the host institutes, the goal is to turn the researchers’ scientific conceptual breakthroughs into industrially relevant demonstrators.
In parallel, ACTPHAST 4R will provide researchers with expert business coaching to help foster their entrepreneurial mindset and deployment capabilities, with guidance to pathways for further scaling of their demonstrators and financing of innovation in the industrial domain. Ambitious targets are set for commercial valorisation successes by “star performing” researchers in the form of patents, licensing deals and spin-outs. As a result, ACTPHAST 4R will be a game-changer in strengthening the European innovation ecosystem and improving the cross-fertilisation of photonics with other technology areas.
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