Ostatnia aktualizacja: 15 marca 2021
Program wydarzenia:
09:00-09:10: Opening speech
09:10-09:30: The MSCA under Horizon Europe: an introduction
09:30-11:00: Supporting institutions through collaborative research and programmes; MSCA Doctoral Networks (9:30-10:00); MSCA Staff Exchanges (10:00-10:30); MSCA COFUND (10:30-11:00)
11:00-11:30: Supporting excellent research through experienced researcher’s career development and training
11:30-11.45: Bringing science and researchers closer to the public
11:45-12:00: Cross-action novelties; Applying to the next calls of the MSCA: practicalities, call calendar and submission deadlines
12:00-12:15: Conclusions and closing remarks
Przed wydarzeniem możliwe będzie zadanie pytań odnośnie programu, które można przesyłać od 18 marca: https://app.sli.do/?search=37800&utm_medium=hp.