
Ostatnia aktualizacja: 7 September 2020

We invite you to the meeting with European Commission’s experienced evaluator of MSCA Individual Fellowships proposals. It will be an extraordinary opportunity to receive first-hand practical information on evaluation process and ask direct questions to the expert, dr Marcin Łuczak (Senior researcher at Technical University […]

Date of the event

09:30 - 11:00



Description of the event

We invite you to the meeting with European Commission’s experienced evaluator of MSCA Individual Fellowships proposals. It will be an extraordinary opportunity to receive first-hand practical information on evaluation process and ask direct questions to the expert, dr Marcin Łuczak (Senior researcher at Technical University of Denmark). Our expert will advise and give you tips on how to write a good proposal to receive high result.

It will be an interactive online meeting held in English. It is meant for applicants preparing proposals to the currently open call. Please look through the guide for preparing MSCA IF proposal before attending the meeting: N4M__2020_IF_Handbook_Final .
Place: online, registered participants will receive login details.

Source: https://www.kpk.gov.pl/wydarzenia/wniosek-msca-if-oczami-eksperta-ke-nauki-scisle

Type of the event

Online event




National Contact Point