Duration of scholarships and remuneration:
Research scholarship: 12 months maximum (starting in September); no prolongation possible. The research fellowship cannot be upgraded into a prolongable PhD scholarship. Grant applications for stays lasting less than 9 months will not be treated as a priority. Grant applications for stays lasting less than 6 months will be rejected. The scholarship amounts to a monthly payment of CHF 1,920. and special CHF 300 housing allowance (paid once at the beginning of the scholarship).
Ph.D. scholarship: 12 months (starting in September) prolongable up to 36 months based on the achieved academic results. The scholarship amounts to a monthly payment of CHF 1,920. and special CHF 300 housing allowance (paid once at the beginning of the scholarship).
Post. doc. scholarship: 12 months (starting in September); no prolongation possible. Grant applications for stays lasting less than 9 months will not be treated as a priority. Grant applications for stays lasting less than 6 months will be rejected. The scholarship amounts to a monthly payment of CHF 3’500 and special CHF 300 housing allowance (paid once at the beginning of the scholarship).
Arts Scholarship: 12 months (starting in September), prolongable up to 21 months at most depending on the Master programme chosen and the necessary ECTS credits. The scholarship amounts to a monthly payment of CHF 1,920. and special CHF 300 housing allowance (paid once at the beginning of the scholarship).
Questions and application documents, should to be submitted to the following address:
Reserach, Ph.D., Post.doc scholarship:
Elżbieta Dybcio-Wojciechowska: Narodowa Agencja Wymiany Akademickiej,
ul. Polna 40
00-635 Warszawa
tel.: 22 393 35 24
e-mail: elzbieta.dybcio@nawa.gov.pl
Arts Scholarship:
Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego, Departament Szkolnictwa Artystycznego i Edukacji Kulturalnej in Warsaw
ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 15/17 00-071 Warsaw Poland
E-mail: eliza.kujan@mkidn.gov.pl
Tel: 0048 22 5515 786 Web: https://www.mkidn.gov.pl
Źródło: www.sbfi.admin.ch
Questions and application documents, should to be submitted to the following address:
Reserach, Ph.D., Post.doc scholarship:
Elżbieta Dybcio-Wojciechowska: Narodowa Agencja Wymiany Akademickiej,
ul. Polna 40
00-635 Warszawa
tel.: 22 393 35 24
e-mail: elzbieta.dybcio@nawa.gov.pl
Arts Scholarship:
Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego, Departament Szkolnictwa Artystycznego i Edukacji Kulturalnej in Warsaw
ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 15/17 00-071 Warsaw Poland
E-mail: eliza.kujan@mkidn.gov.pl
Tel: 0048 22 5515 786 Web: https://www.mkidn.gov.pl
Additional questions: Ambasada Szwajcarii w Warszawie,
tel.: 2 521 32 25;
e-mail: agnieszka.arzt@eda.admin.ch
International Cooperation Center:
tel. 81 537 54 58/54 98
e-mail: cwm@umcs.pl