Description of the project
The aim of the project was to train young scientists (up to 5 years after graduation) in an innovative way in the field of various problems related to wetting processes using the latest research techniques, apparatus and computer simulations, with particular regard to practical systems. The participation of the team from the Department of Interfacial Phenomena UMCS concerns the wetting and electrokinetic properties of lipid films deposited on a solid surface as well as similar tests of other solid surfaces.
Leader of the project
Project duration
1.01.2014 – 31.12.2017
Coordinating institution : Technische Universitaet Darmstadt (Germany)
Aristotelio Panepistimio Thessalonikis (Greece),
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel),
Loughborough University (Great Britain),
Max Planck Gesellschaft Zur Foerderung der Wissenschaften,E.V. (Germany),
Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain),
Universiteit Twente (the Netherlands),
Evonic Industries AG (Germany),
Micropore Technologies Ltd (Great Britain),
Unilever U.K. Central Resources Limited (Great Britain).
Amount of contribution
UMCS budget: 195 565,26 EUR
Name of the call / programme