Visegrad Fund has announced the program run in cooperation with the Open Society Archivum Budapest which offers research fellowships at the Open Society Archives (OSA) at the Central European University in Budapest. The deadline expires on November 15th.

Programme description

Fel­low­ships are awarded two times per year on a com­pet­i­tive basis to scholars, artists or journalists from V4 and non-V4 coun­tries who wish to con­duct research at OSA, and whose cur­rent research projects are rel­e­vant to the hold­ings and the given research pri­or­i­ties of the Fund and OSA.

Altogether, 12 fel­low­ships are awarded annu­ally to selected applicants from V4 coun­tries and 3 fel­low­ships annu­ally to non-V4 applicants.

Research theme within the Visegrad Scholarships at OSA in 2020/21:

Possibilities of knowing: Truth seeking in a polarized world and [in] its aftermath

List of documents needed to the application:

  1. Application letter in English (should specify expected period of stay and preferred dates).
    Important information: the Archive’s Research Room is closed during the Christmas period, and the research stay must end on the last day of the given academic year, July 31.
  2. Research description/plan in English (about 800 words). Artists are expected to submit a portfolio, too.
  3. Curriculum Vitae (C.V.)
  4. Proof of officially recognized advanced level English language exam (native speakers and those with qualification from an English language institution/degree program are exempted)
  5. Names of two referees with contact address. Letters of reference are not needed.

All these documents should be sent by email to Katalin Gadoros at gadoros@ceu.edu.


15.11.2020 23:59:00

Announcing Institution / Financing Institution

International Visegrad Fund

Research discipline


Social sciences

Amount of contribution

The €2,000 fellowship

Update date



Visegrad Fund:
Katalin Gadoros: gadoros@ceu.edu

International Cooperation Center:
tel. 81 537 54 58/54 98
e-mail: cwm@umcs.pl