EMBO Postdoctoral Fellowships are awarded for a period of two years although shorter durations can be requested. The minimum fellowship duration that can be requested is one year. Fellowships must be started within one calendar year from the relevant evaluation cut-off.
Applicants must hold a PhD degree or equivalent at the start of the fellowship, but not necessarily at the time the application is submitted.
EMBO subject areas: Cell Cycle, Cell & Tissue Architecture, Cellular Metabolism, Chromatin & Transcription, Development, Differentiation & Death, Evolution & Ecology, Genome Stability & Dynamics, Genomic & Computational Biology, Immunology, Membranes & Transport, Microbiology, Virology & Pathogens, Molecular Medicine, Neuroscience, Plant Biology, Proteins & Biochemistry, RNA, Signal Transduction, Structural Biology & Biophysics, Systems Biology
Applicants who already hold a PhD degree are eligible if they obtained their PhD degree during the two years prior to the date the application is submitted.
Applications for an EMBO Postdoctoral Fellowship are accepted via the EMBO online application system.
Carefully read the EMBO Postdoctoral Fellowships guidelines for further information.
The grant rate depends on the country being visited. The transfer of funds is regulated by a grant agreement that will be signed by both EMBO and the host institution.
The relocation allowance is intended to cover travel costs up to the amount of 5,000 euros for the fellow and his/her family to and from the host institute.