In order to promote the mobility of researchers* to Belgium, the SPW research has set up a new mechanism to financetheir reception in Wallonia/Wallonia-Brussels Federation: the programme"BEWARE Fellowships 2". "BEWARE Fellowships 2" aims to attract 75 qualified researchers to the Walloon companies where they will spend half of their stay while the other half will be at a university, a university college or a research centre.

Programme description

This call for proposals aims to promote the mobility of researchers (a) who are highly qualified towards businesses (b) and approved research centres, universities or research centres backed by colleges in Wallonia/Wallonia-Brussels Federation (c). In fact, the proposal must be structured around the trio (a) + (b) + (c).

The researcher (a) must be identified when the proposal is submitted. They must hold a doctorate or demonstrate equivalent research experience (with a minimum of four years). On the closing date for the call for proposals, the researcher must be in a situation of transnational mobility, i.e. have spent less than 12 months in Belgium over the last 36 months on a professional basis and with an employment contract.


16.10.2020 23:59:00

Research discipline

All research disciplines

Amount of contribution

A gross salary (± 80,000 euros / year), a mobility allowance (3,000 euros / year), operational costs (6,000 euros / year).

Types of eligible costs

Financing is available for the performance of the research. It involves the granting of subsidies relating exclusively to:
(1) the remuneration of the researcher using the postdoctoral researcher scale, in accordance with the ad hoc scale available here
(2) a fixed annual amount of €6,000 as operating costs
(3) a fixed annual amount of €3,000 to cover the researcher’s mobility costs; to be paid to them in full.

Update date



Julie Dumont – als.brazil@gmail.com for further information and identification of relevant partner.

Interational Cooperation Center:
tel. 81 537 54 58/54 98
e-mail: cwm@umcs.pl