The National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR), Poland and the Ministry of Science and Technology of Taiwan (MOST) have established a joint research call with the purpose of developing and strengthening mutual scientific cooperation between Polish and Taiwanese research teams from laboratories and centres supported by the NCBR and the MOST.

Programme description

Potential applicants are advised that the 2020 Call will be run in two separate paths.

Path 1 is aimed at research institutions and consortia thereof and Path 2 is aimed at enterprises and teams comprised of enterprises and research institutions.

The two paths will be subject to different sets of rules and criteria, as described below.

Path 2 Taiwan: Consortium consisting of one of the below listed research institutes and private enterprises is invited.
1. Universities
2. National Applied Research Laboratories (NARLabs)
3. Research Institutes recognized to apply for MOST funding.

The call is open to the following research areas:

For Path 1 and Path 2:
1. Neuroscience
2. Energy efficiency technologies, including air-conditioning, refrigeration, thermal energy technologies
3. Materials science and engineering
4. Smart Vehicles (including AI and electromobility)
5. Quantum technology and Cybersecurity

A grant application must be submitted by Polish Project Leader to the following email address in NCBR: tajwan@ncbr.gov.pl and by a Taiwanese Project Leader through the MOST electronic system no later than 31 st July 2020.

Submissions received after the deadline will not be processed.

Submitted Applications have to be identical and filled in English.

Source: www.ncbr.gov.pl


31.07.2020 23:59:00


Launch of the call/ invitation for proposals: May 12th 2020
Deadline for submitting of proposals: July 31st 2019
Deadline for evaluation of proposals: October 30th 2020
Selection/ranking of projects for funding: November 2020
Deadline for national funding decisions January: 31th 2021
Project Earliest start of projects: January 1st 2021

Amount of contribution

1st Path: up to 500 000 EUR, 2nd Path: up to 900 000 EUR

Types of eligible costs

The eligible cost in the call are the following:
 personnel,
 equipment,
 consumables,
 travel,
 subcontracting,
 other costs.

Update date



Konrad Kosecki
tel.: +48 22 39 07 460
e-mail: konrad.kosecki@ncbr.gov.pl

MOST (Taiwan):
Ms. Hwey-Ying Lee
Tel +886-2-2737-7150
e-mail: vvlee@most.gov.tw

International Cooperation Center:
tel.: 81 537 54 58/54 98
e-mail: cwm@umcs.pl