
We would like to gladly inform that REINITAILISE: “pREservIng fuNdamental rIghTs In the use of digitAl technoLogIes for e-health ServicEs” has already started. The first activity within the project organized by our partner, the Italian company Eurocentro S.r.l. was the workshops in the field of project under the Horizon 2020 programme management.

The workshop took place on January 21, 2021 via the MS Teams platform. 19 employees from UMCS, both representatives of the administrative and scientific staff, took part in the training.

The following issues were discussed during the training:

Training was conducted by dr. Claudio Carlone from Eurocentro, Italian company with significant expertise in helping public bodies in their internationalization strategy and in attracting more EU funds.

Dr. Carlone has thus long experience in both management, administration, monitoring and follow-up of projects and project budgets, in giving support to organisations and partners in budget related matters (including administrative and financial reporting to ensure correct spending and compliance with all reporting requirements). In addition, he frequently has been in charge of the day to day coordination and follow-up of project activities.

The workshops is the part of the plenty of project activities planned for this year. On January 28, the project will be inaugurated by a Kick-Off Meeting, during which all Project Partners will be present.

The EU-funded REINITIALISE project will assist Poland’s Maria Curie-Skłodowska University to innovate in the preservation of fundamental rights in the design and use of digital technologies for e-health services. The focus of this twinning initiative, which brings together researchers from Italy and Belgium, will be on health-oriented technologies for active ageing and prevention care in the sectors of nutrition and dietetics.

The project will set up staff exchanges for senior and early stage researchers, academic symposiums, job shadowing and cross-functional mentoring. 

Project’s Partners are: Università degli Studi di Macerata, K.U.Leuven, Eurocentro. 

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