Project no.: UMO-2021/43/P/ST2/03036
The project is focused on studies of the nuclear mechanisms that have a significant impact on fission process. In this context a detailed theoretical description of the basic, measurable spontaneous fission observables – fission fragments mass distributions and spontaneous fission half-lives – will be made. Although there have been many attempts to reproduce the mentioned observables, the required accuracy is still not achieved. The main characteristics of measured fission mass yields, such as broadness of the fragments distribution, peak-to-valley ratio, still are not reproduced in a
satisfactory way. Also the theoretical results of spontaneous fission half-lives calculations are overestimated by few orders of magnitude. This means that in the assumptions underlying the applied models and methods still some important part of physics is missing, thus a revision is needed.
In this project it is assumed, that a full qualitative and quantitative description of fission one can obtain when a realistic model of nuclear forces is applied. Project requires a use of a microscopic Hartree-Fock-Bogolubov (HFB) theory with density dependent functional of the Gogny type, which belongs to the mean field methods of modeling of the nuclear structure. The potential energy surface in the chosen space of the collective variables is obtained in the selfconsistent calculations.