
Ostatnia aktualizacja: 11 August 2021

We would like to invite you for a 5-days course on managing research data, communicating research results while engaging the local community or gender balance and gender equality in research - Intensive Training Course on transversal skills.

Deadline of registration

10.09.2021 23:59:00

Date of the event

20.09.2021 - 24.09.2021


Faculty of Political Science and Journalism at UMCS

Description of the event

The event will be held on 20-24 September this year stationary at UMCS. The workshops will be conducted by outstanding specialists from partner institutions of project cooridnated by UMCS-REINITIALISE: KU Leuven and the Italian company Eurocentro, one of the speakers will also be the coordinator of the other project funded by the Horizon 2020 program from the University of Bologna.

The Intensive Training Course is aimed for both research staff, including Young Researchers, as well as University administrative staff involved in supporting research staff in obtaining funding for research.

Registration is mandatory for the entire 5-day training cycle. The application form can be found below:

Application Form

The number of places for the course is limited, applications are accepted until September 10, 2021 or until places are sold out.

All trainings will be held in English.

Below you will find the preliminary program of the event:

20 September 2021 (total duration of the training: 6 hours)
Title: Open Science and data management
Trainer: Research Data Management (RDM) Competence Centre - KU Leuven

21 September 2021 (total duration of the training: 6 hours)
Title: Open Science and data management
Trainer: Research Data Management (RDM) Competence Centre - KU Leuven

22 September 2021 (total duration of the training: 6 hours)
Title: Communication and public engagement
Trainer: Eurocentro srl

23 September 2021 (total duration of the training: 6 hours)
Title: Research integrity and Ethics issues
Trainer: Francois Boucher - KU Leuven

24 September 2021 (total duration of the training: 6 hours)
Title: Gender oriented research and gender equality
Trainer: Tullia Toschi Gallina - University of Bologna, Scientific Coordinator of the EU project PLOTINA

Type of the event





Institute of Communication and Media Sciences