JPICH has launched the call for proposals in the field of developing cultural heritage research: JPICH Cultural Heritage, Identities & Perspectives. Applications in consortia can be submitted until September 22, 2020.

Programme description

The topics are:

  • rethinking the implicit role of cultural heritage in society;
  • perspectives on and constructions of cultural heritage;
  • cultural heritage management approaches: co-creation, connecting communities, and sustainable development goals;
  • innovative and inclusive (digital) access to cultural heritage;
  • impacts of cultural heritage: cultural, economic, user, public and social values.

The countries participating in this call are: Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, France, Greece, the Kingdom of The Netherlands, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Sweden and the United Kingdom.

The most important admissibility criteria of the call are:

  • The maximum duration of the projects is 36 months.
  • All project proposals contain at least three research teams that are eligible for funding from the various countries participating in this call and are part of an institute that is eligible for this funding.
  • A maximum of five teams may participate in each project proposal.
  • At least one stakeholder must be involved as an Associate Partner to strengthen the impact and societal relevance of the project.
  • Applications should satisfy the admissibility criteria for the national research teams in the transnational research consortia and may not exceed the maximum budgets that can be applied for in this regard.
  • All proposals, including compulsory documents, must be submitted in English.

Source: jpi-ch.eu


22.09.2020 14:00:00


  1. Call announcement: March 2020
  2. Deadline for submission of applications: Septemeber 22nd 2020, 2 p.m.
  3. Grant decision: December 2020
  4. Projects’ starting dates: January-May 2021

Research discipline


Amount of contribution

The maximum amount of funding requested: EUR 100,000 = PLN 428 990

Types of eligible costs

The amount of financial support can only be spent to cover the costs necessary for the implementation of the project:

a. personal and impersonal remuneration,
b. research equipment,
c. research services, and their cost cannot exceed 50% of the amount of financing;
d. other costs directly related to the project, including materials, travel, literature,
dissemination and promotion services.

A detailed list of costs under a given project will be approved before signing the contract with the beneficiaries.

Update date



JPICH Cultural Heritage, Identities & Perspectives, Narodowy Instytut Muzealnictwa i Ochrony Zbiorów
Aneta Budzałek

tel. (22) 256 96 21
tel. kom. +48 601 999 336

Radosław Brudnicki
tel. (22) 256 96 21
tel. kom. + 48 721 121 220

International Cooperation Center:
tel. 81 537 54 58/54 98
e-mail: cwm@umcs.pl