The National Science Centre (NCN) and in cooperation with the CHIST-ERA European Coordinated Research on Long-term Challenges in Information and Communication Sciences & Technologies network have launched a call for international research projects in the area of open & re-usable research data & software.

Programme description

CHIST-ERA Call Open & Re-usable Research Data & Software (CHIST-ERA ORD Call) is open to funding proposals in three open science-related areas:

  1. Create, enrich or prepare ‘reference data sets’;
  2. ‘Editorialization’ of data: Reduce the distance between data producer and expected or even unexpected data re-user;
  3. Processes and tools to describe, share, reference, and archive software source code, with the goal to enhance reproducibility of research results.

Funding proposals may be submitted by international consortia composed of at least 3 research teams from at least 3 countries participating in the call. The principal investigator of the Polish research team must hold at least a PhD degree.

Countries participating in the call: Belgium, Brazil, the Czech Republic, France, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Switzerland, Turkey and the United Kingdom.

The application procedure:

  • International level: a joint proposal drafted by the Polish research teams in cooperation with the foreign partners (in English) and submitted to the electronic submission system (ESS) of the CHIST-ERA network.
  • National level: an NCN proposal concerning the Polish part of the project drafted by the Polish research team and submitted to the NCN electronically via the OSF electronic submission system within 7 days of the date by which joint proposals must be submitted at the international level.

More informations can be found here.


14.12.2022 17:00:00


  • Submission deadline for joint proposals in ESS: 14 December 2022, 5 p.m. CET
  • Submission deadline for NCN proposals in OSF: 21 December 2022
  • Call results: June 2023
  • Project start date: September 2023

Announcing Institution / Financing Institution

National Science Center

Amount of contribution

500 000,00 EUR

Types of eligible costs

Direct costs include:

  1. remuneration:
    • full-time employment: funds for full-time employment of the principal investigator or post-doc(s);
    • additional salaries for members of the research team; if the principal investigator is not to be employed full-time in the project, his/her remuneration is paid from the pool allocated for additional remuneration;
    • remuneration and scholarships for students and PhD students;
  2. purchase or manufacturing of research equipment, devices and software;
  3. purchase of materials and small equipment;
  4. outsourced services;
  5. business trips, visits and consultations;
  6. compensation for collective investigators;
  7. other costs crucial to the project which comply with the Types of costs in research projects funded by the National Science Centre under international calls carried out as multilateral collaboration UNISONO.

Indirect costs include:

  • indirect cost of Open Access (up to 2% of direct costs) that may only be spent on the cost of open access to publications or research data;
  • other indirect costs (up to 20% of direct costs) that may be spent on the costs that are related indirectly to the research project, including the cost of open access to publications and research data.

Call / programme recipient



Update date

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