
We are pleased to announce that UMCS has obtained funds for the implementation of the “Reinitialise” project financed under the Horizon 2020 Programme.

The project will be led by prof. Ilona Biernacka-Ligięza from the Faculty of Political Science and Journalism at UMCS.

That is a huge success, especially that the project recieved the maximum amount of points in the assessment and this is the first project in the history of the H2020 programme coordinated by our University and it’s our first Twinning project. The main aim of this instrument is to whose main goal is to develop the scientific and administrative potential of the institution in a specific field of research through cooperation with experienced (advanced) international partners (institutions).

The consortium consists of: Unimc / Università degli Studi di MacerataK.U.Leuven and Eurocentro company.

The aim of the project is focused on digital technologies in the health sector, in particular on health technologies to support active ageing and preventive care in the nutrition and dietetics sectors. Some of the planned activities also concern support for international project management processes at UMCS and cooperation with the socio-economic environment.

The starting date of the project is planned for January 2021.


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