
We would like to gladly inform that the National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) has announced the results of the first edition of the “NAWA Chair” programme under which outstanding foreign scientists have an opportunity to come to Polish universities and conduct basic research and academic activity. The prestigious NAWA grants will go to five Polish universities, including the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin.

Prof. Georgiy Kasianov from the Institute of History and Politics of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in Kiev and at the Kiev-Mohyla Academy is next year is coming to UMCS. He is one of the most prominent Ukrainian historians whose scientific experience includes research in the field of political science in recent years of historical politics.

He is the author and co-author of 15 publications and numerous articles in prestigious journals. He was a lecturer at universities in the United States, incl. Harvard and North Carolina, in Germany, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Lithuania, and Finland. He participated in over a dozen international research projects. He has extensive experience in internationalizing research.

As part of the project Seeking the Past: Politics of Memory in the United Europe and Its Surroundings (Actors, Actions, Results / Late 1980s–2020), professor will conduct an analysis of historical politics in contemporary Europe after 1989.

He will conduct his research and academic activities at the Institute of Political Science and Administration of UMCS under the supervision of prof. dr hab. Marek Pietraś, Director of the Institute, and prof. dr hab. Walenty Baluk, Deputy Director of the Institute and Director of the Centre of Eastern Europe .

It is expected that Professor Kasianov will make a significant contribution to the functioning of international research teams at the Institute of Political Science and Administration, initiate further grant applications and increase the internationalization of the results of the research activity of the Institute’s employees.

Under the programme, it is also possible to implement the so-called a research component financed by the National Science Center, dedicated for funding basic research of created project group. The team plans to conduct interdisciplinary research in Poland and several countries in the region.

The budget of the project consists of PLN 1,659,000, including PLN 295,000 of the research component funded by the National Science Center. The project will be implemented at the beginning of September 2021.

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