
The call for entries for the prestigious competition for students, doctoral students, scientists and authors of ideas which stand a chance of overcoming existing limitations – in science, society, economy or technological industry – has started.

The winner of the Warsaw competition will win, among others, a trip to Berlin and participation in a few days’ prestigious conference Falling Walls (7-9 November 2022), which is organised for the 14th time.

Falling Walls is currently one of the largest networks integrating ambitious and forward-thinking professionals from the academic, NGO and business sectors from around the world. It is an opportunity to meet international authorities from both academia and technology companies.

What counts is the idea to break down the existing wall and the ability to present your concept in three minutes – in front of an international jury in English. The competition is open to representatives of any discipline, e.g. science and life sciences, engineering, medical and health sciences, agriculture, social sciences, humanities, as well as art and science. The competition is open to students of Bachelor’s and Master’s programmes, PhD students, early career professionals, entrepreneurs, people who work in education, science management and innovation.

The application form: https://falling-walls.com/lab/apply/warsaw/

More information: www.fallingwallslab.pl, https://www.facebook.com/fallingwallslabwarsaw

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