Harvard Radcliffe Fellows often work on projects that cross disciplinary borders. We make every effort to find readers with the background and expertise to properly evaluate cross-disciplinary applications. When applying, please indicate the discipline that best aligns with your work and for which you meet the eligibility requirements. You will have the opportunity to identify additional relevant disciplines.

Programme description

Humanists and Social Scientists:

Applicants in the humanities and social sciences must:
1. Have received their doctorate (or appropriate terminal degree) in the area of their proposed project at least two years prior to their appointment as a fellow (December 2021 for the 2023-24 fellowship year).
2. Have published a monograph or at least two articles in refereed journals or edited collections.

Individuals who are in doctoral or master’s programs at the time of application submission are ineligible to apply.

Former Harvard Radcliffe fellows (1999-present) are ineligible to apply.

Application Materials
The application comprises the following:

  • Completed application form
  • Short curriculum vitae
  • Project proposal, with bibliography when appropriate
  • Writing sample
  • Three letters of recommendation

For more detailed application guidelines, consult the Application Materials section of our FAQs.

Creative Artists

Applicants need not have a PhD or an MFA to apply; however, they must meet the following discipline-specific eligibility requirements:

Film and Video: Applicants in this discipline must have a body of independent work of significant achievement. Such work will typically have been exhibited in galleries or museums, shown in film or video festivals, or broadcast on television.

Visual Arts: Applicants in this discipline must show strong evidence of achievement, with a record of at least five years of work as a professional artist, including participation in several curated group shows and at least two professional solo exhibitions.

Fiction and Nonfiction: Applicants in these disciplines must have one of the following:
a) one or more published books;
b) a contract for the publication of a book-length manuscript; or
c) at least three shorter works (longer than newspaper articles) published.

Poetry: Applicants in this discipline must have published at least 20 poems in the last five years or published a book of poetry, and must be in the process of completing a manuscript.

Journalism: Applicants in this discipline are required to have worked professionally as a journalist for at least five years.

Playwriting: Applicants in this discipline must have a significant body of independent work in the form. This will include, most typically, plays produced or under option.

Music Composition: It is desirable, but not required, for applicants in music composition to have a PhD or DMA. Most importantly, the applicant must show strong evidence of achievement as a professional artist, with a record of recent performances.

Individuals who are in doctoral or master’s programs at the time of application submission are ineligible to apply, unless the dissertation has been accepted and degree is forthcoming.

Former Harvard Radcliffe fellows (1999-present) are ineligible to apply.

Application Materials
The application comprises the following:

  • Completed application form
  • Short curriculum vitae
  • Project proposal
  • Work sample
  • Three letters of recommendation

For more detailed application guidelines, consult the Application Materials section of FAQs.

Scientists, Engineers, and Mathematicians

Applicants in science, engineering, and mathematics must:
1. Have received their doctorate in the area of the proposed project at least two years prior to their appointment as a fellow (December 2021 for the 2023-24 fellowship year).
2. Have published at least five articles in refereed journals. Most science, engineering, and mathematics fellows have published dozens of articles.

This is not intended to serve as a post-doctoral fellowship. We fund individuals who clearly evidence a strong body of independent research and writing.

Individuals who are in doctoral or master’s programs at the time of application submission are ineligible to apply.

Former Harvard Radcliffe fellows (1999-present) are ineligible to apply.

Application Materials
The application comprises the following:

  • Completed application form
  • Short curriculum vitae
  • Project proposal
  • Three reprints
  • Three letters of recommendation

For more detailed application guidelines, consult the Application Materials section of FAQs.

More information is available on the Programme website.


08.09.2022 00:00:00



8 September 2022: Humanists and Social Scientists, Creative Artists

29 September 2022: Scientists, Engineers, and Mathematicians

Call / programme recipient


Update date



Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study
Harvard University
10 Garden Street
Cambridge MA 02138