
Description of the project

Researcher exchange to boost health-oriented technologies

Digital technologies are advancing rapidly into the realm of health systems. From the use of virtual reality to monitor vital signs to telemedicine, digital technologies are changing how health services are delivered. Within this context, preserving patients’ fundamental rights is a top priority.

The EU-funded REINITIALISE project will assist Poland’s Maria Curie-Skłodowska University to innovate in the preservation of fundamental rights in the design and use of digital technologies for e-health services. The focus of this twinning initiative, which brings together researchers from Italy and Belgium, will be on health-oriented technologies for active ageing and prevention care in the sectors of nutrition and dietetics.

The project will set up staff exchanges for senior and early stage researchers, academic symposiums, job shadowing and cross-functional mentoring. The project is implemented under the Twinning instrument.

Project description in CORDIS database: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/952357

UMCS role


Project duration



Università degli Studi di Macerata, K.U.Leuven, Eurocentro

Amount of contribution

Project budget: 898 712.50 EUR

Name of the call / programme

Horizon 2020

Announcing Institution / Financing Institution

European Commission

Research discipline

Social sciences